All functions |
Add a column describing the position(s) of the PTM(s) with respect to the protein |
Add a column describing the position(s) of the peptide sequence with respect to the protein |
Add a column with amino acid sequence around a PTM |
Append sequences to end of a FASTA |
Center-median normalise the expression matrix in an MSnSet using medians from a reference dataset |
Check the current UniProt release |
Count the number of features (rows) per protein |
GO terms assigned to proteins in DEP results |
Results table from DEP package |
Download CCP cRAP FASTA file |
Estimate effect size of GO over-representation |
Estimate SILAC (2-plex) incorporation rate from PD output |
Filter a PSM-level MSnSet to remove low quality PSMs |
Get all ancestor GO terms |
Generate a colour-blind friendly palette for categorical colour encoding |
Get the UniProt sequences in CCP cRAP |
GO term enrichment using goseq |
Determine SILAC (2-plex) incorporation rate given intensity values for Light and Heavy |
Extract the expression matrix column medians from an MSnSet |
Summarise the number of sub-notch PSM intensities per protein |
Identify the consensus peptide to master protein mapping across multiple runs |
Summarise percentage of tag intensities below a given threshold and missing |
Get a pre-defined regex for a SILAC modification in PSM format |
Get ratio of two numbers |
Get the amino acid sequence around a PTM |
PeptideGroups PD output for LFQ of RNase +/- OOPS experiment |
PSM PD output for LFQ of RNase +/- OOPS experiment |
Make a FASTA using UniProt accessions |
Parse the PTM probabilities and add new columns with PTM information |
Parse Proteome Discoverer output |
PeptideGroups PD output for SILAC labelled U-2 OS cells |
PeptideGroups PD output for SILAC labelled U-2 OS cells |
PeptideGroups PD output for SILAC labelled U-2 OS cells |
PeptideGroups PD output for SILAC labelled U-2 OS cells |
PeptideGroups PD output for SILAC labelled MOLM-13 cells |
PeptideGroups PD output for SILAC labelled MOLM-13 cells |
Plot histograms for TMT tag intensities including notch annotation |
Plot the number of sub-notch PSM intensities per protein |
Plot the fraction of sub-notch PSM intensities per protein |
Plot selected GO terms |
Plot annotated histogram of incorporation values |
Plot the missing values vs signal:noise |
Plot the missing values vs signal:noise for each sample |
Plot distributions for feature intensities per sample. |
PSM PD output for SILAC labelled U-2 OS cells |
PSM PD output for SILAC labelled U-2 OS cells |
PSM PD output for SILAC labelled U-2 OS cells |
PSM PD output for SILAC labelled U-2 OS cells |
PSMs PD output for SILAC labelled MOLM-13 cells |
PSM-level PD output for phospho TMT10-plex data |
PSM-level PD output for total proteome TMT10-plex data |
Transformes PSM-level Modifications annotation style to peptide-level style |
Remove duplicated full stops |
Remove redundant GO terms |
Remove SILAC labels from modifications |
Remove leading X |
Remove features which are assigned to a protein with too few supporting features in total |
Extract peptide sequencing and interference information from SILAC PSM-level output |
Insert cRAP numbers into a character vector |
ggplot theme for package |
Charlotte's ggplot2 theme |
Adds new feature describing the average reporter Signal/Noise ratio. |